
Functions in Bosscript are declared using the funkcija keyword. The mandatory parts of any function declaration are as follows:

  1. The funkcija keyword
  2. Function name
  3. Parentheses, optionally containing parameters
  4. Function body

This is what a basic function declaration looks like:

funkcija greeting(){
    ispis("Hello, world!");

Function names must be unique. There can be only one function with a particular name, and a function name cannot be an identifier that was already used a variable:

var greeting = "Hello";
funkcija greeting(){
    ispis("Hello, world!");
Error: 'greeting' has already been defined
funkcija greeting(){
    ispis("Hello, world!");

funkcija greeting(name){
    ispis("Hello, " + name);
Error: 'greeting' has already been defined

Parameters are comma separated and must be unique.

funkcija test(a, b, c){
    ispis(a + b + c);

is valid, but

funkcija test(a, b, a){
    ispis(a + b + a);
Error: 'a' has already been defined

is not.

Functions are called like this:

// No arguments

// One argument

// Multiple arguments
test(1, 5, 2);

Make sure to provide an adequate number of arguments, otherwise you will get an Argument mismatch error:

Argument mismatch: function 'test' expects 3 arguments (a: nepoznato, b: nepoznato, c: nepoznato)

A function body is usually a block:

funkcija test(){

However, if the function body is only one line, you can use the arrow syntax:

funkcija greet() => ispis("Hello, world!");

So far, all functions provided as examples had no return statements. So, how do return statements work in Bosscript? It depends on whether a value is being returned. If you are returning a value, use the keyword vrati, followed by the value:

funkcija sum(a, b){
    vrati a + b;

If you want to return from a function without returning any value, i.e., a void-return, use vrati se:

funkcija greet(name){
    ako(name.duzina < 3){
        vrati se;
    ispis("Hello " + name);

The se keyword doesn’t add any functionality. It is there due to the grammar of the Bosnian language. Writing vrati alone doesn’t look right and doesn’t accurately convey the meaning of the statement.

When writing functions using the arrow syntax, the return statement is omitted. The result of the only statement in the function body is implicitly returned.

funkcija sum(a, b) => a + b;


In fact, it is not allowed to explicitly write vrati when using the arrow syntax:

funkcija sum(a, b) => vrati a + b;
Parsing error: Unexpected token 'vrati' at 1:23

Type Annotations

Notice how the first paragraph makes mention of mandatory parts in a function declaration. The optional part refers to type annotations. Bosscript is lenient in regard to typing - type annotations in functions are completely optional and the language can be used without them just fine. However, if you want more control over the types of parameters a function receives or the return type of functions, you are free to use Type Annotations.

The type annotation system is very flexible. Any parameter can be typed with a type annotation and the return can also be typed. If a function has typed parameters, it doesn’t have to have a return type specified and vice-versa. If one of the arguments is typed, not all of them have to be typed. Consider the examples below:

funkcija greeting(name: tekst){
    ispis("Hello, " + name);

The parameter name is specified to be of type tekst, but the function has no specified return type.

funkcija sum(a: broj, b: broj){
    vrati a + b;

In this case, both parameters a and b are typed, while the function still doesn’t have a specified return type. We can expand on this example and provide a return type:

funkcija sum(a: broj, b: broj): broj{
    vrati a + b;

As mentioned earlier, not all parameters have to be typed. You can omit type annotations on particular parameters if you need to:

funkcija concat(str: tekst, x): tekst{
    vrati str + x.tekst();

In the example above, the parameter is typed to tekst, but x has no type annotation at all. When a parameter is given no type annotation, no type checking will be performed on that particular parameter. It is implicitly given the type nepoznato, and the user can pass a variable of any type for that particular parameter.

concat("Example", 10);

concat("Example", tačno);

concat("Example", {x: 1, y: 2});

All examples above are valid calls to the concat function defined earlier.

If you pass a value of an incorrect type for a typed parameter, you will get an error:

concat(10, "Example");
Type error: Expected 'tekst', got `broj'

The same goes for return types:

funkcija concat(str: tekst, x): tekst{
    vrati 10;

concat("Hello", "World");
Type error: Expected 'tekst', got `broj'

User-defined types and Model names can also be used for Type Annotations:

tip User{
    name: tekst;
    age: broj;

funkcija doSomethingWithUser(u: User){

In the case of user-defined types, you don’t have to explicitly use the generated type constructor to pass the type checking. Any object that satisfies the type definition completely is accepted:

var u = User("Bosscript", 1);
var u = {
    name: "Bosscript",
    age: 1

    name: "Bosscript",
    age: 1


All three examples above are valid. The one below, however, is not:

var u = {
    name: "Bosscript",
    age: 1,
    city: "Tuzla"

Type error: User has no property 'city'

To reiterate, an object must fully comply with the type definition. It must have all required fields, and it cannot have any additional fields.

If you are not familiar with user-defined types, you can read more about them here.

When it comes to Models, the provided object must be an instance of the specified model or one of its subclasses.

model A {
    javno {
        var x;
    konstruktor(x: broj){
        @x = x;

funkcija doSomethingWithA(a: A) {

var a = A(10);

model B < A {
    javno {
        var y;
    konstruktor(x: broj, y: broj){
        @y = y;

var b = B(4, 4);


Both examples above are valid and will produce no errors.

Unlike with user-defined types, an object literal cannot be passed to a function that expects a model instance, even if it has the same fields:

var objA = {
    x: 5

Type error: Expected 'A', got 'objekat'

If you are not familiar with models, you can read more about them here.

Function environment

All functions in Bosscript are closures, which means that they capture the parent environment they are declared in. Functions that are declared at the top level capture the global environment as their parent. In practice, this means that any variable declared in the parent environment is also accessible from within the function. Here is an example to illustrate this:

var x = 10;

funkcija fn(){


Even though x was declared outside the function fn, you can still reference it, since it was declared in the parent environment. This means that any changes to captured values will be reflected in the parent environment as well, so be careful:

var x = 10;

funkcija fn(){
    x += 10;



Every function has its own separate environment, which means identifiers that were declared in the parent environment can be reused in the function environment:

var x = 10;

funkcija fn(){
    var x = 10;
    x += 5;



In the example above, we see that an x was declared in the global environment and inside the function block. The line x += 5 updates the x declared inside the function, and doesn’t modify the global x in any way. This is evident from the output of the code snippet.

Lambda functions

Bosscript also supports lambda functions - both as variables and for one-time usage. They are declared exactly the same as regular functions, except that the name is omitted.

var fn = funkcija(){


The example above shows how you could assign a lambda function to a variable. If you really want to, you can declare every function this way. The program will run fine. However, you will mainly be using them for object functions and with functions that accept another function as an argument.

For example, it is much more convenient to type:

var obj = {
    greeting: funkcija(){

then it is to type:

funkcija objGreet(){

var obj = {
    greeting: objGreet

Some functions accept one or more functions as an argument. This is a common occurrence. Take the built-in zaSvaki function that is available on niz:

var arr = [1, 4, 8, 4, 3];

1 4 8 4 3

It takes one function as an argument. In this case, we passed the built-in ispis function to it, but let’s say we want to pass a function we wrote ourselves. It can be done in two ways.

The first option is to declare a function and pass it as a reference:

var arr = [1, 4, 8, 4, 3];

funkcija writeDouble(n: broj){
    ispis(n * 2);


or we can declare a lambda function directly in the parentheses of the call expression:

var arr = [1, 4, 8, 4, 3];

arr.zaSvaki(funkcija(n: broj){
    ispis(n * 2);

Both options produce the same output:

2 8 16 8 6

Note that lambda functions also support the arrow syntax, just like regular functions. With that in mind, we can rewrite the last example as:

var arr = [1, 4, 8, 4, 3];

arr.zaSvaki(funkcija(n: broj) => ispis(n*2));

Using lambda functions is often convenient, especially if you don’t intend on reusing a particular function.