
All imports in Bosscript start with the paket keyword, followed by the name of the imported file under double quotes. There is a slight difference in how the name is written, depending on whether it is a standard library package, or a user-created file that is being imported.

User created files are imported using a relative path. The path is relative to the current working directory, i.e., the folder containing the file with the import statement.

The folder structure looks like this:

paket "./homeworks/hw1.boss";

In this case, project is the working directory, and hw1.boss is looked up with a path relative to the project directory.

You can also provide an absolute path:

paket "C:\\Users\\armin\\Bosscript\\Examples\\example.boss";

Remember to escape the backslashes!

Standard library packages are imported slightly differently. It is enough to specify the name of the package:

paket "strukture";
paket "telnet";

You don’t even need the .boss extension. All standard library package names are known to the Bosscript interpreter and they come preinstalled with Bosscript.

Partial imports

Sometimes you don’t need to import the entire package. You just need a specific few functions or variables from it. In this case, you can specify what you need using the partial import syntax:

paket "strukture"{ Mapa };

In this example, we are importing Mapa from the standard library package strukture. The strukture package contains various data structures, and most of the time you will not need all of them.

This works for user-created files too. Suppose the contents of hw1.boss is as follows:

var x = 10;

var y = 6;

funkcija test(){...}

funkcija example(){...}

funkcija sum(){...}

za svako (x od 1 do 10){...}

model Example{...}

Here is how you would import the variable x, the function sum , and the model Example :

paket "./homeworks/hw1.boss" {

It is a good practice to import only the values you need, both for the sake of performance and in order to not clutter the namespace of your current environment.

You can import any variable, function, Model definition and type definition from a given file, as long as they are declared at the top level. You cannot import values from nested blocks:

// example.boss

    var x = 10;

If we try to import x from the file example.boss, an error will occur:

paket "./example.boss" {x};

Error: z does not exist

You can write import statements anywhere in a Bosscript file, but it is a best practice to keep all imports at the top of the file.

paket "IO";

funkcija useIO(){

paket "sistem";

funkcija useSistem(){

The code above is valid, but it is better if you write it like this:

paket "IO";
paket "sistem";

funkcija useIO(){

funkcija useSistem(){