Type Definitions

Bosscript comes with some built-in types, such as broj, tekst and logički. However, sometimes there is a need for user-defined types. This is where Type Definitions come in. You can use Bosscript type definitions to define a schema for objects. It is defined with the tip keyword.

tip User{
    name: tekst;
    age: broj;

The example above shows what a typical type definition looks like. The type definition consists of the name and a list of expected properties and their corresponding types. The type annotations work exactly the same as with function parameters. The only difference is that each type definition property ends with a semicolon.

A type definition, or tip for short, can contain properties of any valid type in Bosscript, including other type definitions and models.

tip Course{
    teacher: User;
    classroom: broj;

A tip can also extend other tip definitions:

tip Teacher < User {
    office: tekst;

In the example above, the type Teacher inherits all properties of User, namely name and age, and also has an additional property - office. This ‘inheritance’ is not the same as in Object-Oriented Programming. Under the hood, the User type definition is copied into Teacher. This means that a function expecting a User object as a parameter will not accept a Teacher object. The point of extending a tip is simply not having to copy and paste properties.

When you declare a tip, a constructor is generated for it. You can use the constructor to create objects that comply with the type definition:

var user = User("Bosscript", 1);

{name: "Bosscript", age: 1}

This is not mandatory, though. You can create an object literal that complies with the schema and the Bosscript Type Checker will recognize that:

funkcija test(u: User){

var user = {
    name: "Bosscript",
    age: 1


When to use Type Definitions

If you need to be strict about what kind of object you are working with, but don’t need any special functionality, then Type Definitions are perfect. If you don’t need additional functionality, using models would be overkill.

Here is an example. Suppose you have a function that accepts a bunch of configuration options. Having them all as separate parameters would be unwieldy:

funkcija formatImage(image: tekst, hue: broj, saturation: broj, contrast: broj, filter: tekst, ...){

You could combine it all in an object, but not having a type definition for it could lead to errors later:

funkcija formatImage(image: tekst, config){

formatImage(getImageSrc(), {hue: 10, saturation: 44, filter: "sepia"});
Error: {...} has no property 'contrast'

The best thing to do is to declare a custom tip for the config object:

tip ImageFormatConfig {
    hue: broj;
    contrast: broj;
    saturation: broj;
    filter: tekst;

funkcija formatImage(image: tekst, config: ImageFormatConfig){

formatImage(getImageSrc(), {hue: 10, contrast: 22, saturation: 44, filter: "sepia"});

If you are familiar with TypeScript’s interface, tip is a similar concept. The difference is that tip definitions don’t have functions, and interfaces don’t provide a constructor.