
Handling Exceptions

Bosscript has a very similar concept to try-catch - it is called probaj-spasi. This is what it looks like:

probaj {
spasi {
    // Handle exception here

Notice that the catch block, or spasi as it’s known in Bosscript, doesn’t accept any parameters. A catch block is usually defined with a parameter that specifies the type of exception that is to be caught. That is not the case in Bosscript. Instead, an Exception object is implicitly made available in the spasi block under the name g:

probaj {
spasi {
Exception Message will be shown here

You’re probably wondering how to target a specific exception. Well, g is an instance of tekst, which gives us several useful methods that you can use to determine which exception occurred:

probaj {
spasi {
        // handle case 1
    ili ako(g == "..."){
        // handle case 2
    ili ako(g.zavrsavaNa("...")){
        // handle case 2
        // default case

You can also include an optional finally block, a block that will execute regardless of whether an exception occurred or not. The keyword used is konačno:

probaj {
spasi {
    // Handle exception here
konačno {
    // Some code you want to run in both cases

Note that catch/spasi is mandatory, unlike finally/konačno.

Throwing an exception

To throw an exeption, just call the built-in greška function. There is no special throw keyword nor are there different types of exceptions. It’s as simple as calling the built-in function:

funkcija mayFail(){
        greška("Fail condition met..");

The greška function accepts a tekst argument, which is the message.